

Welcome to Horsing Around Bozeman! It is our endeavor to compile a complete list of horse-accessible trails in the area, with all the information equestrians want to know. This information includes what other types of users to expect on the trail (motorcycles, mountain bikes, etc), whether water is available, terrain difficulty and much more. Each trail will provide an interactive map, a gpx file you can upload to your GPS or phone to use in navigating, and photos and video when available. Future updates may include Google Flyovers, allowing you to get a birdseye view of the trail before you ride it.

We will also be adding an overall area map with pins that can be linked to the detailed trail information. For now, the trails will be organized by general area. These areas will eventually include Three Forks, Gallatin Canyon, South Bozeman, Springhill, Bozeman Pass, North Paradise Valley, South Paradise Valley, Yellowstone Park and Shields Valley.

We are just beginning so keep checking back for more trails to be added.